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Thoughts for moving beyond anxiety, judgment, and conflict

Before we get into today’s post… I hope you will bear with me as my website & branding designer helps me transition from my old website and blog format to the new.  (Click here to take a peek at the new site.)  If this post shows up looking askew or...

After “no” it’s time for “yes”

If you’ve read my book The Intentional Networker™ you may recall Chapter 5. It’s all about saying a gracious, but firm ”no thank you” to anyone or anything that keeps you from what you really want.  You know what I’m talking about here:  the energy-drainers, the...

A question to ponder as you network

If you’re like me you have more professional development books, CD’s, podcasts, and DVD’s in your library than you can keep up with.  After surveying my inventory, getting intentional, and weeding out the items that no longer interest me, I’m...

How to earn Networking Loyalty

Ever wonder what separates average networkers from those who become trusted must-have connections – your “Twenty-Percenters”, as I refer to them in my presentations? Here are 5 key steps.  (Warning: they are surprisingly simple, but they are not...

What do you want others to remember about you?

This week I experienced an amazing LinkedIn success story as well as an adjoining epiphany about networking and memorability. The LinkedIn story first:  A gentleman who had become familiar with my work online wanted to be introduced to me because he believed we had...