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Want to know some easy ways to shift a ho-hum, small-talky conversation into something a lot more interesting, meaningful, and memorable? Try injecting these phrases into the mix.

  • “Tell me about that.”  (Or “Tell me more about that.” Or simply“Tell me more.”)
  • “What was that like?”
  • “What do you remember most from that experience?”
  • “What did you learn from that experience?”
  • “How did that impact you?”
  • “How do you mean?”  (Thanks to my friend and fellow author, speaker, and conversation enthusiast, Mike O’Krent, for this one!)

These phrases and questions reveal something fascinating about you. You are curious and interested in learning more, going deeper. Think of the last time you heard these words in conversation. (Right. They are rare!) Now imagine that someone has said or asked these and then they listened thoughtfully to your responses. Feels really great, right? It can be so easy to make someone feel heard and cared about!  And to learn something interesting about them.

Try these phrases out and let me know how they work for you. I’d also love to hear your thoughts on phrases that have made your conversations better.

Want the definitive success guide for having more of the conversations you want to be having — and fewer of those you don’t? Or maybe you know someone who could use some help in boosting their conversation confidence. Check out my new award-winning book More Than Just Talk. It’s available on Amazon and through other online book retails or at BookPeople in downtown Austin, Texas.