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Referral relationships: beyond the ask

Ever hear of a solopreneur or business owner who didn’t appreciate good referrals?  Referrals absolutely rock.  Businesses are built and sustained on them.  Stories and statistics prove what efficient business-builders they can be.  And according to a survey...

The essence of successful networking

Sometimes the conversations you have (or hear) after a networking event are the best ones of the day. I was blessed to listen in on one of those recently.  I had just spoken at a women’s networking event and was packing up my materials and books.  Everyone had...

Warmth & authenticity: Two must-haves in networking

Rarely have I felt so welcomed and accepted in all my life at a business and networking event. My colleague Sara Canaday and I had just checked into our hotel in Anaheim, California.  We are both experienced professional speakers, but were attending the National...

Do you set intentions before networking events?

In my new book, The Intentional Networker™: Attracting Powerful Relationships, Referrals & Results in Business, I share a story about a road trip with three colleagues in 2008. We were headed to a conference in Dallas and spent four amazing hours together...

Unveiling my new look and other big news

If you’ve been a subscriber to my DeNotations blog, you’ll notice something different: a totally new look. If you’re a new subscriber: Welcome! My purpose here is to stay in touch with you and to provide you with insights, information, and value. This blog typically...