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Theme du jour: Little by little matters

Every morning as I sip my first cup of coffee, I get caught up on my favorite blogs.  Nothing spectacular about that, really, except that today I noticed something different: a connecting theme in every blog I read. Ever notice how that happens? Maybe it’s...

Expanding the possibilities as you network

In observing others and working with my coaching and consulting clients, I often see two extremes: 1) people who believe networking is primarily about bringing in new customers and 2) people who think networking is purely a matter of “getting out there and...

Connecting through conversation

I had a delightful telephone conversation this morning with a perfect stranger.  Now, for some of you, especially you introverts, that may sound like a complete oxymoron. (Ok, I admit it. If I were to list my Top 10 Favorite Things to Do, having a conversation with a...

Want more and better results from your networking investment?

I have a birthday coming up in April so I’ve decided to offer you a special gift: I’ve created an Intentional Networker™ Telecoaching Deal that makes it easy, convenient, and ridiculously affordable for you to benefit from one-on-one, customized networking coaching...

How to earn Networking Loyalty

Ever wonder what separates average networkers from those who become trusted must-have connections – your “Twenty-Percenters”, as I refer to them in my presentations? Here are 5 key steps.  (Warning: they are surprisingly simple, but they are not...