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Are you stuck in a self-imposed rut?

Ever been in a situation where you saw only one way to reach your goal, it just wasn’t working, and you couldn’t find a solution? My dog Maggie alerted me to a situation like this recently. I was working in my home office and heard her barking out in the back...

Harnessing the power of slowing down, being still

I commented earlier this week on my Intentional Networker™ fan page about how much I’ve been thinking about the value of stillness. And by stillness, I mean slowing down the pace; setting intentions, and then allowing time to get quiet, reflect, and think.  It’s not...

The benefits of a solid support system

Sometimes networking isn’t just a business thing. It’s also very much about surviving and thriving as a human being, in good times and in bad. I wrote The Intentional Networker: Attracting Powerful Relationships, Referrals & Results in Business because...

What really good relationships require

I’m a creative person at heart. And among the many lessons I’ve learned over the years about creativity is that the really stellar aha’s and ideas and the really profound and impactful work have one huge requirement: time.  Time to relax. Time to...

Declare your networking independence

While walking with my dog this morning (often my best thinking time) I wondered how the topic of America’s Independence Day aligned with the topic of networking. At first it seemed like an unlikely, even cockamamie stretch. Then the wheels in my head started...