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Two anxiety-busting ideas

Let’s get real here.  Really, truly real.  And let’s do it by starting with this:  What frightens you? Freaks you out?  Leaves your palms sweaty, your mouth dry as whole wheat toast, your heart racing – and not in a good way? Public speaking and...

Turn the gratitude thing around

I’m a fan of Byron Katie, who among other things, is a master at helping you examine your thoughts, especially stressful ones, so you can see them with greater perspective, understanding, compassion, and even gratitude. I want to do that here – minus the...

Adventures in Anti-Networking: 5 Ways to Repel Potential Connections

Sometimes even my colorful imagination can’t grasp this stuff. I’m talking about the odd, puzzling, and sometimes offensive things people do in the name of networking. Several such things happened to me since my last post, which (I know, I know) was several...

Is the problem with customer service? Or with the customer?

I’m going to toss out a theory and see if it sticks: How you treat service personnel directly reflects your ability to connect effectively, positively, and memorably in your other interactions, including those that take place in networking settings. Sound crazy? ...

Let’s talk about it

Today I’ll attempt to keep my post short and sweet. Not because I don’t have a lot to say, but because I want you to spend more time thinking about it than reading about it. The topic?  Your conversations.  (Yes, I know I wrote about this topic back in...