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Summertime and the living it easy. Or is it?

I found myself thinking about the contrast of struggling versus flowing this morning after reading a(nother) enlightening blog from one of my favorite writers and self-help experts of all time: Martha Beck. You may know this Martha and be a fan already, which...

Best opening line ever

It was a dark and stormy night.  Actually, it was nearly dawn, but you never would have known it by the dark cloud cover, driving rain, and the dramatic thunder and lightning. I was restless, so I got out of my car to take a look around.  (Okay, truth is I had to use...

Coffee with a Stranger: What’s so weird about that? Nothing!

  What do you love most about what you do for a living?  What I love most are the fascinating, fun, brilliant people I have the pleasure of meeting each day.  Intentionally, of course.  (And if you don’t know what I mean by that, get yourself a copy of my...

When, where and how should I network?

Now there’s a loaded question.  It’s one I get asked a lot, particularly by people who are in a frantic state about their careers and businesses, are new in town, or are new to the whole notion of networking.  If you want a traditional answer on which networking...