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3 Articles You Won’t Want to Miss

What have you been up to this first quarter of 2015? I’ve been speaking, facilitating, and writing, but mostly writing. Here are three pieces, generously published by a trusted colleague, consultant and communicator Todd Schnick out of Atlanta, Georgia on his...

5 Rules for a Happy, Amazing & Impactful Life

Years ago, after accepting one of my first professional awards, I had the opportunity to give a brief acceptance speech to those who attended the awards banquet. At that time I wanted to share a few things that had worked thus far in my life to make me feel happy,...

Please don’t pretend to care

Some of you may know that I come from primarily British (okay, and Cornish and Irish) heritage. So it’s no surprise that I love to brandish an occasional quote from whip smart, witty historic figures like Winston Churchill.  Here is one of his gems that I find...

Ridding yourself of toxic habits and energy zappers

Looking for a ridiculously simple exercise that can help you see big results from a few small changes? This could be it! How do I know this? I have proof. When facilitating my workshops, I’m frequently and pleasantly surprised by the positive, if not giddy...

Reasons I’m ditching the Expert mindset

I made a decision recently. Despite counsel to the contrary from smart and successful colleagues, mentors and coaches who I respect very much, I’m going to stop referring to myself as an Expert. Why? Because it just doesn’t feel right. In fact, it feels...