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Great news! And you’re the first to know!

Today’s post is so much more than a mere post. And you are among the first to hear about it! Drum roll please:  Today I’m releasing — for your perusement, enlightenment, and hopefully even enjoyment — my second book:  The Intentional Networker...

Don’t take the shortcut

Things like this have never made sense to me:  Crash diets. Fitness boot camps. Write-your-book-in-one-weekend seminars. And people who network as if there will be no tomorrow. Allow me to elaborate. Crash diets: They just make you miserable. You feel deprived and...

Unexpected gifts and growth

The other day I received a little nugget of inspiration and encouragement — while I was taking out the trash of all things. It was a Wednesday (a.k.a. Trash Day), and I was struggling to maneuver the stinky gray plastic bin with the noisy plastic wheels through the...

Commitment versus possibilities

Sometimes I have deep thoughts while sitting out on my deck on summer mornings.  There’s something about stepping away from my office and electronic devices and being in the fresh air and “among the trees” (to quote a favorite poet, Mary Oliver)....

Project Contour Sheet: 9 Ideas to Fold into Your Networking Strategy

Folding a contour sheet recently, a tricky task but a do-able one, make me think of networking. “Huh?” you ask. “What could folding a sheet have to do with networking?” Stay with me as I explain. The contour sheet had just come out of the dryer, so I was folding...