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Fascinating facts from my research for “More Than Just Talk”

If you’ve ever written a paper, article, proposal, or book, chances are new information came to light as you did the necessary reading and research.  In other words, you learned new things. (One of the reasons I love being a writer.) This was certainly the case...

Do you bring these two traits to your conversations?

Years ago, after presenting to a very engaged group of commercial real estate professionals, I was packing up my gear and preparing to head out the door. I slowed my pace in doing so as I heard two of the meeting organizers engaged in an interesting conversation...

Who are your conversation role models?

“What we focus on gets stronger.”  I first heard this timeless wisdom from my friend and fellow author Nancy Oelklaus more than ten years ago. These six words have shifted and enhanced my life and my work in many ways.  If I want more good things to happen...

Who’s ready to enjoy better conversations?

If this is you, I have exciting news! The book written to help you have more of the conversations you want to be having – and fewer of those you don’t – is finally here! After more than eight years of research, interviews, writing, organizing,...

You’re going to want a copy of this

Hello friends! It seems like the perfect time to share the very latest news on a very important project: my new book.  It’s called “More Than Just Talk: The Essential Guide for Anyone Who Wants to Enjoy Better Conversations.” Trust me, you are going...