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Hello friends! It seems like the perfect time to share the very latest news on a very important project: my new book.  It’s called “More Than Just Talk: The Essential Guide for Anyone Who Wants to Enjoy Better Conversations.”

Trust me, you are going to want this book as a go-to in your self-development library! 

I know, I know. I’ve been working on and talking about this for years. Eight years to be exact. In that time, I’ve done a ton of reading, sifted through hundreds of pages of research, and had many enriching and enlightening discussions with family, friends, and colleagues.  What’s more, I’ve written, written, WRITTEN to the point that the “e” key on my laptop is about to give out!

My dear friend and detail-oriented editor Susan Priddy has been my savior in helping me get the manuscript organized and clean.  And my uber creative (and mind-reading) designer Kendra Cagle has begun doing her magic.  We are currently finishing up the important stages of peer review, permissions, and fact-checking.  (Thanks to all of you who have been a part of this so far! It may take a village to raise a child, but it takes a strong and loyal network to create a good book.)

Production, indexing, and other final stages are up next. We are close.

In the meantime, here is a sneak preview of some of the important questions “More Than Just Talk” will answer:

  • Why should we bother to engage in better conversations? What’s the big deal? What’s the payoff?
  • What’s stopping us from engaging in more pleasant and meaningful ways – or at all?
  • What proactive steps can we take to set ourselves up for greater conversation success and enjoyment?
  • What attitudes and behaviors do we need to adopt and practice more often?
  • What strategies are part of a successful Conversation Action Plan?  And why in the world do we need one?
  • How can we practice and polish THE most powerful yet most overlooked conversation skill?
  • How can we effectively deal with the people who routinely make conversations unpleasant?

With ‘More Than Just Talk” coming out very soon, it’s shaping up to be a busy fall and 2023!  And with the pandemic nearing its end (fingers crossed so hard they are turning white), I’m currently booking LIVE appearances, book signings, speaking engagements, workshops, and more.  If you see my expertise as a potential fit for your organization or upcoming event, please email me at pattidenucci(at)gmail(dot)com or give me a call at 512-970-8129.  Let’s have a conversation about how we can work together!

Finally, if you haven’t read my first book, two-time award-winner The Intentional Networker: Attracting Powerful Relationships, Referrals & Results in Business, maybe it’s the perfect time to add it to your summer reading list.