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The Intentional Networker receives top honors

They say you always remember where you were and what you were doing when you receive either really bad or really good news. Fortunately, this past Sunday it was the latter. I was up in north Texas helping a dear friend deal with some family business when I received...

Networking as an introvert, extrovert or both

Let’s clear up a myth once and for all. Networking isn’t just for extroverts. Not at all. Many of my most savvy, valuable, and delightful friends and colleagues are actually introverts. I’m usually taken aback when they tell me this.  What’s...

What’s happening in your personal circle?

If you read my last post and took it to heart, I hope you’re thinking about what steps you can take to improve the way you present and conduct yourself as you network and build business relationships.  If you haven’t read it I highly recommend you do so...

A question to ponder as you network

If you’re like me you have more professional development books, CD’s, podcasts, and DVD’s in your library than you can keep up with.  After surveying my inventory, getting intentional, and weeding out the items that no longer interest me, I’m...

Introverted? This networking article is for you.

If you’re an introvert, chances are you experience some anxiety when it comes to attending business functions, meeting new people, and networking.  Below are some tips that might be helpful.  Thanks to The Office Professional for granting me permission to repost...