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The Four Levels of Networking Awareness

In talking to people and working with my clients, I’ve identified four basic levels of Networking Awareness.  Can you identify where you are based on the descriptions below? You don’t know what you don’t know.  You’re unaware that you could...

Powerful – yet simple – advice on living and connecting well

Every year I re-do the big bulletin board in my office; the one my friend Cindy had made for me several years ago.  It’s three-and-a-half feet tall and four-and-a-half feet wide. Huge and surrounded by a magnificent frame, much like the kind you’d put...

Networking: It’s about patience, courtship & value

“What’s the next question?” That was the assignment I gave my audience during a recent presentation.  They had just completed a short reflection assignment as well as a group discussion regarding how they could best benefit from the conference they...

Shift your inner voice for a more positive networking experience

Our human brains and our ability to “talk” to ourselves are miracles of nature. Problem is, they often get things wrong  ̶  or even totally backwards. So say two of my favorite and very wise self-help authors and teachers, Byron Katie and Martha Beck. I am learning to...

Project Contour Sheet: 9 Ideas to Fold into Your Networking Strategy

Folding a contour sheet recently, a tricky task but a do-able one, make me think of networking. “Huh?” you ask. “What could folding a sheet have to do with networking?” Stay with me as I explain. The contour sheet had just come out of the dryer, so I was folding...