Every year I re-do the big bulletin board in my office; the one my friend Cindy had made for me several years ago. It’s three-and-a-half feet tall and four-and-a-half feet wide. Huge and surrounded by a magnificent frame, much like the kind you’d put around a masterpiece. This bulletin board begs to be put to important use; to showcase big ideas, important memories, and inspiring notes. I post my annual vision board here, as well as favorite photos, my latest speaking engagement schedule, advice I’ve received from coaches and mentors, and favorite quotes from books and thought leaders.
Maybe you have a bulletin board like this one. If not, I hope you’ll consider getting one.
One of the quotes on my bulletin board caught my attention today. It was written by the American author Wilferd Peterson, who is the author of numerous books, including The Art of Living, The Art of Creative Thinking, and The Art of Getting Along. These titles are simple, but they intrigue me; I’d love to read them.
I had never heard of Peterson until I saw the quote I’m about to share with you. It was on a little card in a gift shop. It spoke to me, so I bought it. Sadly, Peterson isn’t with us anymore. He died in 1995. Thankfully, he leaves behind a legacy of good writing and even better advice. Including this quote:
“Walk with the dreamers, the believers, the courageous, the cheerful, the planners, the doers, the successful people with their heads in the clouds and their feet on the ground.”

Photo by Randy Tarampi on Unsplash
What great advice! It’s right in line with what I teach about how to connect more mindfully and meaningfully with others: Don’t just sit there! Get moving, keep moving, and do so alongside people who are making the most of their lives. People who don’t just sit around talking and dreaming! People who live large and get stuff done.
Considering this advice, what tweaks would you make to how you live and work – and how and with whom you connect? Who (to quote another author, Marie Kondo) “sparks joy” in you? Who inspires you, encourages you, walks with you on your journey through work and life?
Want to be better connected, more respected, and wonderfully successful? Let’s talk about how my consulting, speaking, and facilitating services can make it happen! At the very least, get yourself (and your team) my award-winning success guide, The Intentional Networker: Attracting Powerful Relationships, Referrals & Results in Business. “Ugh, not another book!” you may be thinking. I get it. But check out what this reader had to say: “I have read Creativity, Inc., Lean In, Outliers, Average is Over, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, and so many other books. I hoped these would help guide me to attracting a fulfilling, satisfying, and paying position. No other book has spoken to me — literally answered so many of my questions — like The Intentional Networker…” Connect with me at 512-970-8129 or by email patti[at]intentionalnetworker[dot]com.
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