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Purpose, polish & productivity. And possibilities.

Purpose, Polish & Productivity in Networking. Those were my key points as I spoke to a group of entrepreneurs last week about being an Intentional Networker(tm), someone who  attracts powerful relationships, referrals and results in business. I felt good about...

Throw away the script

Ever had this happen to you? You’re going along, doing your usual thing, reading articles, popping in on Facebook or Twitter, having conversations with friends or colleagues, listening to the news or a podcast or a speaker you admire, and – BAM! –...

How to get lucky

For those of you seeking tips on how to attract a steamy, romantic encounter: Sorry, that’s not the kind of “lucky” I meant. The message I want to share here is more about what Luck really is and how you can attract it.  You can apply this to romance...

5 ways to get creative with your networking

You may recognize this line: “My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives.”  It’s one of Hedley Lamarr’s lines in the very ridiculous, very politically-incorrect movie...

What do you want others to remember about you?

This week I experienced an amazing LinkedIn success story as well as an adjoining epiphany about networking and memorability. The LinkedIn story first:  A gentleman who had become familiar with my work online wanted to be introduced to me because he believed we had...