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After “no” it’s time for “yes”

If you’ve read my book The Intentional Networker™ you may recall Chapter 5. It’s all about saying a gracious, but firm ”no thank you” to anyone or anything that keeps you from what you really want.  You know what I’m talking about here:  the energy-drainers, the...

Ebook giveaway: The Intentional Networker(tm) on Kindle

First, I hope all of you are headed into a Labor Day Weekend filled with fun, relaxation, family time, quiet time, or whatever it is you’re seeking. Second, if curling up with your Kindle is on the agenda, here’s a free offer you won’t want to miss:...

Are you experiencing conversation? Or just chatter?

While attending several events over the last few months I absorbed some powerful lessons about socializing and networking. And ironically the lessons were taught to me by the introverts in the room — or as a by-product of my own occasional introverted...

What will people remember and appreciate about you?

Have you ever remembered someone fondly because of something they remembered fondly about you? I have. And it feels really good. Last weekend I lost one of those people. My home town of Chisholm, Minnesota recently held an all-class reunion that I wasn’t able to...

Free yourself from relationship and networking clutter

Ever wonder what was going on in an author’s life when they wrote certain parts of their book?  Well, I’ll tell you. When I wrote the first draft of Chapter 5 of my book The Intentional Networker(tm) I admit I was on a rant.  No way around it. For the...