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When you realize life is short

Sometimes things happen that you just can’t believe, understand, or even wrap your head around. But they happen nonetheless. This week one of those shocking, untimely, and seemingly unfair events happened: it was the sudden and unexpected passing of a friend,...

Should you stop? Or should you go?

I was lounging on my back deck this morning in my pajamas with a cup of delicious coffee when I read a blog by my friend and fellow writer Todd Schnick.  Todd is owner of Intrepid LLC,  as well as an excellent writer and keen observer of life, marketing, and the...

Back-to-school lessons for grownups

If you’re on Facebook it’s not hard to tell what time of year it is:  back-to-school time. I’m loving all photos of the  kids in their new clothes with new backpacks, big smiles, and fresh haircuts. I’m also fondly remembering all the photos I...

Perceived failure & lessons learned

If your intentions are set and your radar is finely tuned, you just never know when or where you’ll discover some of life’s most valuable lessons.  Let me tell you about some lessons I took away from one of my own recent experiences. Many of you were very enthusiastic...

90 seconds to whatever

I recently read how the first 90 seconds of any meeting, encounter, or exchange is not only important, but sets the tone for whatever follows.  In addition, it’s those critical 90 seconds that can make or break the relationship itself.  Consultant Jim Fannin...