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Network – and inspire – in your own special way

Smart people sometimes believe they have all the answers. Actually, I think the really smart ones know the opposite is true.  Case in point: While preparing a corporate workshop last spring I had the pleasure of interviewing an expert on change, advocacy, influence,...

The Over-Booked Networker

You know this person. Maybe you are this person. I’m talking about the individual who is chronically overbooked with networking and social events.  On many occasions (meaning more than once a week) she is double- or even triple-booked.  He drives to one event,...

Who should be in your network?

Earlier this year I offered a post asking you about the circles in which you socialized, hung out, networked.  It’s here if you need a refresher. Today I’m sharing a list that might inspire you to add even more diversity, interest, excitement,...

No wonder communicating gets complicated!

Exciting news!  I’m pitching myself headlong into my next book project. This means I’m immersing myself in reading, research, interviews, observing what’s going on around me and in the media, and (per an earlier blog) digging through The Plastic Bins...

Networking and happiness

Can being a more Intentional Networker make you more successful?  I’m certain of it. Being even just one notch more purposeful, positive, and present as you meet and interact with people helps you stand out in the crowd and attract more rewarding connections,...