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20 tips for making better introductions, connections & referrals

Nothing makes the world go ’round in the business and networking worlds like a quality introduction or connection. And the Queen Mother of Generosity in this realm is the well-thought-out referral.  When done well and thoughtfully, everyone wins. The...

If we could all be a little more like Kitty

Let me begin by saying that the following passage is not my writing (although, darn, I wish it was!).  It is a passage from a book by American author and director Paul Auster. I included this colorful passage in a handout for one of my recent workshops on...

17 Kick ­Butt Ways to Be More Successful, Influential & Engaging

I just woke up from a delicious nap. Not your ordinary nap, mind you. This one was induced by a rigorous spin class at my fitness club, Pure Austin. The instructor, Ryon Talbot, is responsible. And he’s the subject of today’s post, not just because he is an excellent...

11 easy networking tips that attract new friends

Generally when something comes up three times or more in a relatively short time, I pay attention. You know what I’m talking about.  Three different people mention the same book. The same person pops up in conversation, in your thoughts, or even in a dream three...

Your connections: Are you a collector or curator?

Collector or curator? There’s a big difference when it comes to building your network. Which are you? A collector is someone who gathers, seeks out, and collects things. In this case it’s connections with others. Or even just business cards or names and...