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From random to relationship

It’s a message I share with my clients and audiences over and over again:  good networking is an attitude, not an event.  It’s about treating all people, all conversations with respect and grace, even if you’re not sure what – if anything...

And we wonder why nothing is happening…

Sometimes I feel like knocking my head against the wall.  And it’s because the most important answers are often the most elegant and obvious.  Problem is, we are often so caught up in our own heads, To Do Lists, and busy schedules, we don’t see the obvious...

Networking: It’s about patience, courtship & value

“What’s the next question?” That was the assignment I gave my audience during a recent presentation.  They had just completed a short reflection assignment as well as a group discussion regarding how they could best benefit from the conference they...

How to jumpstart a stalled, stale network

It was the room in my home I avoided at all costs.  What the room held captive was terrifying and vile.  You know the room (or closet or corner or other storage space) I’m talking about: that extra space that becomes the depository for extra…stuff.  Boxes...

Creating a more intentional life and circle

This past weekend proved to me the beauty and endlessness of the Circle of Life. All in a 24 hour period I experienced several important life events: Dear friends welcoming into the world their first grandchild, a highly-adorable bundle of pink cuteness The beautiful...