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What we wish we knew then: 27 bits of advice from seasoned leaders

For those of you who are adults: Remember what it was like back in your early 20s? The excitement, the possibilities, the ability to stay up late (having fun) and get up early (and still get some work done)?  (Boy, those days are pretty history in my life!) For those...

The stresses – and benefits – of change

I had just returned from a wonderful vacation when I heard the earth-shattering news. My gym, a privately-owned facility ranked among the best workout facilities in the nation, had been purchased by a larger publicly-held corporation. “Oh no!” I thought....

Powerful – yet simple – advice on living and connecting well

Every year I re-do the big bulletin board in my office; the one my friend Cindy had made for me several years ago.  It’s three-and-a-half feet tall and four-and-a-half feet wide. Huge and surrounded by a magnificent frame, much like the kind you’d put...

Where could you use a refresh?

     Do you have a morning ritual? Besides coffee and some reading and writing, mine includes giving my dogs a walk around my neighborhood.  Julia Cameron, creator/author of “The Artist’s Way,” insists daily walks can give us valuable insights. I...

11 Strategies for Hosting an Epic Wine Tasting Party

I’ve never seen my dogs so tired. No, we hadn’t gone on a 5-mile hike. Nor had the pups been out chasing squirrels all day. They were wiped out because the night before my sweetie and I threw a little wine-tasting party. There were people coming and going...