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How to impress others in conversation

In my last post, I shared several commonly-asked questions that centered around conversation and connection. Many readers found the answers to these helpful. This week I’m showcasing and answering two more questions you might find interesting, especially as we...

Four frequently asked questions

Whether it’s Holiday gatherings or everyday networking events and opportunities, knowing how to start, deepen, manage, and even exit conversations is an invaluable skillset. So, today I’ll share four questions I’m frequently asked on these topics and provide answers...

7 tips for being your best social self at holiday gatherings

Whether you see yourself as the ultimate social butterfly or a retiring introvert who’d rather be home watching a favorite movie with your cat, I have some favorite tips and tricks that can make almost any holiday gathering a lot more pleasant and memorable for you...

We can do better

Ever heard the phrase “Own the awkward?”  I first saw it on social media a few months ago. To me, this well-meaning message says, “Let’s acknowledge and even embrace our hesitation, discomfort, and clumsiness in social situations.” I get it. Not...

How to have social energy when you need it

In my last post, I shared how to evaluate the “energizers” and “drainers” in your life and at work. You know, the activities, tasks, settings, and situations as well as the interactions and the people who either leave you better than...

How’s your energy – right at this moment?

Ever have moments, days, or even entire segments of your life where you feel totally alive, inspired, and in flow?  What about those times when you feel completely drained? Like the last of your Life Force has been sucked right out of you. Yes, me too.  I’ve had both...