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Managing awkward social encounters

Confession time: I have a rather bulky and unstable stack of magazines and books at my bedside and next to just about every chair in my home and office. I can’t help it. I’m an information junkie. And I love reading what other writers write (as well as how...

Social media wisdom

I had the honor of co-facilitating a discussion on networking and social media today at the offices of the Austin Business Journal. Presenting with me were two colleagues who are also networking authors and speakers: Thom Singer and Marny Lifshen. Wish you’d been...

Tips & perspectives on small

In my last post I wrote about the subject of small: being small, feeling small.  Lots of thoughtful comments and discussion ensued. One of my colleagues was so inspired, (God bless her for telling me) she got busy developing an entire coaching curriculum around the...

A few small thoughts

Ever consider how huge the word “small” is?  That thought came to me as I was participating in a writing / journaling workshop last night hosted by my good friend Jeanne Guy. She instructed us to ponder and write about the word “small” for five minutes. My first...

Lessons from fellow travelers

I’ve been on the road a lot these past few months, which means I’ve had lots of opportunities to meet, engage, and intentionally network with many new and interesting people. Some of these have been fellow travelers with whom I’ve shared a few...