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A helpful networking metaphor

I get asked this question a lot:  How do you find the “sweet spot” between being assertive and purposeful in your networking versus allowing circumstances, serendipity, and synchronicity to do their magic? In other words, when do you really go for it? And when do you...

Strategies & tactics for those Big Projects

I’ve got some big projects on my plate this year.  Bet you do, too. Perhaps, like me, you have those moments where you take a good look at all you have to do and wonder how you’ll ever tackle, manage, conquer, or even simply get through them. You may feel twinges of...

Epiphanies and connections don’t just happen

“If you want someone to have an epiphany, you need to start a gracious conversation first.” I’ve paraphrased a little here, but those are words to consider if you want to connect, influence, or persuade others, whether it’s with your writing,...

Are you running in circles?

No, I don’t mean “Are you so crazy-busy that you’re running around in circles and not getting anywhere?” Although that’s always a great check-in question. What I mean is: How many circles do you have in your personal and professional life? How much...

Upping the quality of your network & social circle

In the mood for a little exercise that could help your happiness, success trajectory, and energy levels soar? Here we go… One of the key factors in becoming a more Intentional Networker is this: discarding the notion that more is better. More social and networking...