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How to get more done & push through challenges

My heart was pounding. I was gasping for breath. I could see the sweat beading off my hands and feel it dripping down my back. It was hellish. But, hey, that’s how endurance spin class feels when you’re really giving it your all. And based on the numbers on my heart...

Expert? Thought leader? Or just rich, resourceful networking?

As a lifelong learner and chronic observer, I love the discussions and debates that take place around the terms thought leadership and expert. Some insist that unless you present yourself to the world with one of those labels, you’re not really legitimate. And...

The vital artistry of pacing and patience

We’ve turned the corner into the New Year. It’s a fresh start; a clean slate. So naturally it’s a perfect time for many – perhaps even you – to make some resolutions or set some lofty goals regarding changes you want to make in your...

Lessons on can and can’t

Now and then I take the opportunity to share a post that’s more of a personal story than a lesson about networking, connecting, and other more business-y topics. It’s not that I’m all that interesting; it’s just that I do some things that are more along the lines...

By popular demand: networking tips & tools

If you’re reading this it means you’re serious about becoming a more Intentional Networker; someone who’s ready to network better, rather than just networking more. (Who has time for networking that doesn’t work and takes up more of your...