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How do you view your world?

I have a confession. I’m a fan of the Sunday New York Times, but it can sometimes take me weeks to read through just one edition. This is particularly true of the thought-provoking essays and opinion pieces in the magazine and Review sections. I take in each...

Networking: 10 gracious & thoughtful next steps

Want to do something that makes you stand out from the crowd next time you make a connection? It’s so easy it’s almost ridiculous. Yet so few people actually do this – and when they do, they often get it wrong. Let’s call it The Art of the...

The most important woman in my life

Today’s post isn’t necessarily about connecting or networking or building business relationships, but it is about someone who has heavily influenced who I am and who I have become. I often talk about my grandfather and my dad in my presentations, but today I want to...

Shift your inner voice for a more positive networking experience

Our human brains and our ability to “talk” to ourselves are miracles of nature. Problem is, they often get things wrong  ̶  or even totally backwards. So say two of my favorite and very wise self-help authors and teachers, Byron Katie and Martha Beck. I am learning to...

Courageous conversations: Let’s have more of them!

And I don’t mean the courageous conversations where you’ve really had it!  So you’ve finally gotten up the nerve to tell your nosy, noisy, no-good neighbor what you really think of her. Or you’re going to, once and for all, let your supervisor...