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Have a steady paycheck? You still need a powerful network

You have a full time job within a successful company. You get a steady paycheck every other week. You come in to work each day (maybe even a little early), work very hard, and put in the hours expected of you (maybe even a few more).  Your performance reviews have...

The Art of the Productive & Energizing Interruption

Whether you work in a cubicle, a co-working space, in a home office, or even at your kitchen table,  one of the fine arts you need to master if you are to become a true ninja-level Intentional Networker is that of the Positive Interruption.  Why?  Because we humans...

Books, death and powerful conversations

First grade teachers are changing the world. They are the ones who are encouraging kids (and we grownups, too) to read every day. For at least 20 minutes. I couldn’t agree more. And not just because I have a sister who was a first grade teacher and a school...

The surprising power of what is true

In his book A Moveable Feast, the great American writer Ernest Hemingway, admits to the struggle that even the most devoted and talented writers face: what to write. “…sometimes when I was starting a new story and I could not get it going, I would sit in front of the...

Let’s work together soon!

Greetings friends & clients! I am so blessed to have a busy fall schedule ahead, working with executives, leaders, event planners, sales teams, and project ninjas to help them network and build business relationships with greater purpose, polish, presence and...