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A Networking Success Story: Four on Friday

Sometimes my readers, audience members, clients, and even friends and family take my advice and (eureka!) get fantastic results. This is one of those times, so I think it’s worth sharing here. To begin, here’s a question I’m frequently asked when I present or when I...

How to exit conversations graciously

Ever wish you could exit, escape from, or even avoid a conversation? I don’t mean the difficult ones where it’s necessary to speak the uncomfortable truth, face the elephant in the room, clear the air, make a confession, or talk through a problem or...

Are your networking signals thoughtful and accurate?

Most of us have pet peeves when it comes to other people, especially other drivers. One of mine is when people don’t use their signal lights properly. Grrrr!!  You know exactly what I’m talking about.  A few examples: The driver who passes you, then darts back into...

Declare your networking independence

July is a month where we recognize, appreciate, and celebrate the many freedoms we enjoy as Americans.  I’d like to suggest that one of the freedoms we enjoy be — hello! — how you network. And if you really hate that term, as many do (I can tell  by...

What don’t you want?

“Of all the ideas you’ve ever had,” he said, “that’s one of ’em.”  That was his kind way of telling me I had hit rock bottom with an idea. I was thrilled. This was years ago when I was a freelance copywriter and marketing...