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Every now and then a blog or article comes along that begs to be shared in a big way (and makes me wonder if the writer has a chip implanted in my head and is reading my thoughts).  One such piece came along this week.  It’s on and is titled “How to Make Great Connections on LinkedIn.” I wanted to jump up from my desk and scream “YES!” when I read it.   I also learned a few things. Maybe you’ll have a similar experience. Some key takeaways and comments:

  1. As with any other form of business socialization, in-person or virtual, LinkedIn has some rules. They are unwritten, but they do exist. And it behooves you to follow them. Or at least know them so you can break them creatively and strategically.
  2. Lying about or exaggerating your relationship with someone is not okay on LinkedIn. Or anywhere, for that matter. Don’t do it. Ever.
  3. If you want to connect with someone you haven’t met, there is a way to do it, but it requires skill, finesse, and a really good headshot, among other things.
  4. Be interesting and unique. Think beyond the normal profile stuff, but be careful not to get weird.  (Some people think weird helps them stand out. No. Weird is just weird.)
  5. Better to join a few well-targeted discussions than to join a lot willy-nilly.
  6. Contribute to discussions regularly and in ways that add value and showcase your expertise. Don’t be self-serving or pitchy.
  7. Don’t use the standard Invitation that LinkedIn provides. Make it more personal.
  8. When inviting people to connection with you, do them the kindness of reminding them how you met or know them. It really helps me when people do this. I feel less puzzled, I am more inclined to accept, and I appreciate the inviter’s thoughtfulness and understanding that I often can’t remember what I had for lunch.
  9. When people connect with you thank them. (Wow, I have not done this, but will begin doing so immediately. Makes sense. Gratitude is always classy and never goes out of style.)
  10. Read other articles on about LinkedIn. There are boatloads of them, and they are rich with information. Better to be in-the-know than to tarnish (or completely destroy) your reputation with a few overzealous clicks.


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