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It’s been a while since I last shared a post. The reason? I’ve been in a highly creative phase, working on all kinds of energizing art projects — from sketches and paintings to Gelli prints and multimedia collages. I’m loving it! Yes, I’m still doing live and virtual workshops and presentations, coaching and consulting, and promoting my books. Taking time for my art in the late afternoons and on weekends is my treat to myself. And, to quote the Big Lebowski, “it keeps my mind limber.” 

What does this have to do with conversation, connecting, and networking with greater intention? It dawned on me that the Six Steps in the Creative Process, which you’ve probably seen on social media, have some parallels with the steps we experience when trying to interact meaningfully with others. See if you agree.

  1. This is awesome. When we first decide to begin a creative project or engage with others, we are full of excitement, hope, and possibilities. “This is going to be so fun!” Then, reality sets in…
  2. This is tricky. Our creative project isn’t flowing as brilliantly or as easily as we had envisioned. It feels clumsy and forced. Ditto with our conversations. They, too, feel awkward and predictable.  The nosedive begins…
  3. This is sh_t. We are struggling. The beautiful, exciting vision we had for our project or for our socialization is slipping off the rails. “How did I end up with these awful colors and this unbalanced composition?” “Why did I bring up that topic, of all topics?”  “No matter what I do, I can’t seem to make it better! Argh!!”
  4. I am sh_t. Now we’ve reached rock bottom and are beating ourselves up. Our dreams of total awesomeness have been brutally dashed against the rocks. We blame ourselves and feel like total failures. We are about to throw in the towel. Then…if we stay with it, something shifts. Heyyyy…
  5. This might be ok. One more random brush stroke or the asking of an unexpected question shifts everything. We realize all is not lost, in fact…
  6. This is awesome. Success! We are, back in the land of possibilities and wonder. And so happy we didn’t give up!

What do you think? Do these rules resonate with you creatively or conversationally? Maybe they apply to a project you’re working on or a connection you’ve been trying to grow. Have you had experiences where these six steps revealed themselves? If so, let’s hear it!

Have questions about conversing and connecting? Want to book a complimentary 15 minute session or discover how we can work together? Contact me at

Also, to celebrate the last quarter of 2024, I’m offering bulk discounts on both of my award-winning books, The Intentional Networker and More Than Just Talk. Contact me to learn more!